Set your intention

  • Switch over to the Materials tab at the top of this page to download your Intention Setting worksheet—you’ll need it for this lesson.

Lesson summary

Clarify your intention for this training program by answering the questions below. (Find and download the PDF version of this in the Materials tab at the top of this page.)

1: Why do you want to become an early riser? With a strong enough why any how is possible.

  • List 3 compelling reasons why you absolutely must establish the habit of early rising.

2: What will you gain by rising early each day? Higher productivity? Health? Time to exercise? Time for yourself?

  • List 3 ways you’ll benefit from becoming an early riser.

3: What will it cost you if you don’t become an early riser? How painful would it feel if you failed? What goals would you miss out on achieving? Would you regret not living up to your highest potential?

  • List 3 things you’d lose or miss out on if you do not follow through with your goal of waking up early + engaging in a morning ritual each day.

4: Envision your perfect morning.

  • Find a quiet place, set a 3-minute timer, and close your eyes.
  • Now, visualize your perfect morning. (Be specific: What time do you wake up? What do you do? How does it feel to be an early riser?)

5: Get committed. The perfect morning you just envisioned is possible—if it weren’t, you wouldn’t have been able to envision it.

  • To get yourself fully committed to establishing the habit of rising early + engaging in your daily morning ritual, print your Intention worksheet, fill it out, sign it, and post it up somewhere you can see it daily until your vision becomes a reality.

Ready to Master Your Morning?

If you enjoyed this preview lesson, you’ll love the full version of this training program.


If you’ve always wanted to become the type of person who wakes up early every day and has a strong morning routine—but you’ve struggled to establish it into a habit in the past, then this is the definitive training system to finally make it happen.

Regularly: $494.00
Now only: $475.00

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