We live in a busy world, and sometimes we forget that passion and purpose are more important than promotions and PR. But worry not, young padawan — inside this guide you’ll find an insightful list of meaningful questions to help you find your “thing”, your “work”, your “north star”, your “purpose”, or whatever other fuzzy-but-non-yet-descriptive-enough terminology you prefer to use when describing a totally awesome life worth living.
This workbook contains 39 thought-provoking questions to help guide you towards re-igniting, re-discovering, or re-designing what you’re passionate about in life – both personally and professionally!
If you’ve lost that sense of meaning/passion/fire-in-the-belly about your work, career, school, or personal life, then these questions will serve you well.
Allow these questions to serve as a form of daily guided discovery towards the feelings, drives, and emotions that inspire you to do those things you love most about your life, your talents, and your skills — and to utilize these unique gifts in a way that enables you to make an impact and an income doing what you love.