My new book/journal, The Daily Gratitude Journal for Men is officially available at booksellers everywhere. In celebration of its release, I’m sharing …
Health + Happiness
Here's everything I've published on Health and Happiness, which includes sub-topics like relationships, confidence, spirituality, nutrition, energy, and more.
Reduce Fear and Worry by Living in the Present Moment
Have you ever noticed that many of your greatest worries and anxieties are about things that might happen in the future? Most of our fears arise when …
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The 4 Components of a Healthy Morning Routine
The 4 Components of a Healthy Morning Routine: MP3 | Apple Podcasts | Spotify A healthy morning routine has four core components: (1) physical, (2) …
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The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
Bronnie Ware is a nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, where she took care of patients that were nearing the end of their …
Inputs vs Outputs
If you take a stone and toss it into a pond, what happens? As soon as the stone strikes the surface of the water, you get a series of ripples or …
How to Respond to Stress
Do you have a useful way in which to respond to stress? Dr. Hans Selye, also known as the “father of stress,” once shared an interesting story about …
Take initiative
Have you ever tried to stop an ant without killing it? It’s virtually impossible. They never stop. Listen on Apple Podcasts Put one to the …
Emotional Intelligence
“Since our brains are wired to make us emotional creatures, your first reaction to an event is always going to be an emotional one. You have no …
Never Stop Doing Your Best
I’ve got a quick question for you: Is the best you can do ALL you can do? Let’s say you go to the gym tomorrow and decide to see how many consecutive …
30 More Life Lessons Learned in 30 Years
Last year, on my 30th birthday, I published a piece on the 30 Life Lessons I Learned in 30 Years. Both the article and podcast versions of that piece …
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Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending
Did you know that Virgin Galactic, the world’s first commercial spaceline, is currently pre-selling tickets for flights into outer space? No joke.[1] …
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6 Strategies for Overcoming Envy
Do you find yourself envious of people around you more often than you’d like to admit? If so, you’re definitely not alone. We’ve all been there …