Day 24. Deciding vs Wishing


If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it. It sounds trivial and obvious, but if you unpack the idea it has extraordinary power. I know a lot of people who wish they were rich or famous or otherwise fabulous. They wish they had yachts and servants and castles and they wish they could travel the world in their own private jets.

But these are mere wishes. Few of these wishful people have decided to have any of the things they wish for. It’s a key difference, for once you decide, you take action.

Wishing starts in the mind and generally stays there. When you decide to be successful in a big way, it means you acknowledge the price and you’re willing to pay it.

— Scott Adams, from
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

Nothing fuels the flames of motivation quite like success does.

So, are you wishing to find self-motivation, or have you made a definite decision to be the self-motivated person you know you can be?

Are you wishing for the motivation to exercise, or have you decided you’ll do whatever it takes to become a beacon of health and fitness?

Are you wishing for the motivation to work harder, or have you decided to discipline yourself to develop an unmatched work ethic?

Stop wishing for more motivation, more money, more success, or more of anything—and make the DECISION to pay the price for what you want.

If you search for words that are synonymous with decision, you’ll find words like:

  • determination,
  • conclusion,
  • resolution,
  • result, and
  • outcome.

If you search for antonyms of the word decision, you’ll find words like:

  • indetermination,
  • procrastination,
  • postponement,
  • delay,
  • deferment, and
  • indefiniteness.

How fascinating …

Who doesn’t LOVE feeling determined?

Who doesn’t LOVE getting results?

  • Would you rather feel determined, or the opposite?
  • Conclusive, or the opposite?
  • Do you prefer getting results in life, or the opposite?

Because the opposite is what we get when we do not make DECISIONS about what matters most to us, and what we’re willing to do for it.

The word decision has Latin roots.

It comes from the word, dēcīdere, which translates to: CUT OFF.

To decide literally means to CUT OFF everything except the things that matter most.

This concept can be insanely powerful once we start applying it in our lives.

But to apply it, you need to know what you want MOST:

  • in your life
  • in your career/business
  • in your relationships
  • in every area of your life that matters to you.

How to apply this method to motivation

Successful people don’t wish for success; they decide to pursue it. Becoming a success at anything will require you to pay a price—the price of discipline and hard work. Stop wishing and decide today to do whatever it takes to make your life a smashing success.

Here’s a three-step process to making that happen:

  • 1. Get clear about what you want.
  • 2. Figure out the price you need to pay to get it.
  • 3. Pay it.

Simple but not easy.

Use the methods to motivation you’ve learned throughout this program to put this process in motion.

Once again:

1: Begin by deciding what you want. If you haven’t already done so, clarify that by writing it down as follows:

  • I want: _____

2: Then, determine the price you’re willing to pay.

  • I will pay this price: ____


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