with my free audio training, The Flow Guide: 9 Essential Elements of Happiness in Life + Work
Welcome to Lesson 6! Here’s what we’ve covered so far in this free course on The One Thing:
Here’s what we’re looking at in this lesson…
Every organization wants the two Ps: Productivity and Profit. But most organizations haven’t got a clue that there are two additional Ps that come first—and serve as a foundation for the second two… Those two Ps are Purpose and Priority.
Take a look at this drawing of an iceberg:
See how Purpose is the foundation?
Purpose comes first because that’s what the best people and organizations are made of.
After Purpose, comes Priority. You should only have ONE at a time.
Productivity and Profit are the RESULTS of a business or team being run by people who have a Purpose—not because their boss told them to—but because they really give a damn. (The same thing applies if you’re a one-person business.)
When you have a strong purpose, you can become clear about your highest priority.
When you’re clear about those two, you’ll become a more productive person.
Once you become a productive person, you can add more value to the marketplace. And the only way to produce real and consistent value in the marketplace, is to prioritize your activities based around your most important goals (yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily). And when you prioritize based on what’s most important to you—then you’re driven by purpose.
And by-golly, when you’ve got this pattern down, you do indeed begin generating Profit. Cha-ching!
Purpose → Priority → Productivity → Profit.
So how do you do all this without killing yourself? I’m glad you asked, because that’s what I’ll be breaking down for you in the next, and final, installment of this free course on The One Thing.