1. What makes an executive effective?

Peter Drucker spent over 25 years advising + consulting for CEOs and leaders of the world’s largest business enterprises and organizations.

Based on that experience, Drucker tells us that the most effective executives he worked with ALL adhered to the following 8 habits and practices:

  • 1. They asked, “What needs to be done?”
  • 2. They asked, “What’s right for the enterprise?”
  • 3. They developed action plans.
  • 4. They took responsibility for decisions.
  • 5. They took responsibility for communicating.
  • 6. They focused on opportunities rather than problems.
  • 7. They ran productive meetings.
  • 8. They communicated in terms of “WE” rather than “I.”

Actionable insights

  • If you’re in a leadership position of any kind, write down the 8 practices listed above on a small index card (or print this email).
  • Then, review each of the practices and cross-reference them with your own leadership style.
  • Did you find any gaps or areas of opportunity? If so, circle or highlight the practices that need the most attention.
  • Each week, pick one practice to focus on in the workplace, starting with the ones you’ve identified.
  • Follow this weekly cycle until you’ve tried all eight practices (one per week).
  • Repeat as necessary—and enjoy becoming a more effective leader in the process.
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