It’s that time of year again when millions of people start setting New Year’s goals. Sadly though, just a month or two later, most of these New Year’s goals, resolutions, and habits will have been forgotten about or given-up on. But not with you…
I want to help you WIN this New Year. So today, I’m introducing a new series, purely dedicated to New Year’s goals.
I’m calling it Your Greatest Year – a multi-part series to help you make your New Year a smashing success. Each installment of the series will feature an actionable tip (or two) to help you set the stage for a stellar year ahead.
Let’s get into today’s tip…
Limit the number of resolutions you set.
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the New Year and to start setting goal after goal… after goal.
But don’t make this mistake.
Setting too many goals will divide your attention and cause overwhelm (believe me, I’ve been there).
So, is there a magic number?
Set between 7-12 goals or resolutions per year.
And spread those goals and resolutions out into each of the areas of your life that matter most to you. Here are some common areas of life to get you started:
- physical
- financial
- personal
- professional
- social/relational
- spiritual
- health + fitness
- etc.
Alternatively, you could also base your goals on your roles:
- Role: Manager → Goal: Improve team morale by hosting quarterly team-building events.
- Role: Writer → Goal: Submit 12 articles to major publications (1 p/month.)
- Role: Individual → Goal: Start weekly water-polo classes + train at least once a week, starting February.
Cool, right?
That’s all for today. See you on Day 2.

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